Friday, March 23, 2007

Ben or other artist, a question today.

Ben or artist,

At art show maybe last week and other time, many arts of fruit in every type. Can see abstract, realism, oil, maybe watercolor and photo.

Most time, fruit tumbling from basket or bowl to make mess on table. Is some meaning? If to paint too, should also my fruit tumble? Or maybe artist just not so clean at home.

Thanks to you, Ben or any other. Good day.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Floaty, you ask a great question.

When I was in kindergarten, we had some paints, and we were asked to just paint whatever we wanted. I was like, "WOOOO!!!!! PAINT!!!!" I loved "painting" great things. But on this particular day, I was uninspired. So, I just kinda started mixing my water colors and splashing them on the paper I was given.

Well, whatever it was I was doing, it started looking like 2 mountains. Cool. So I worked on that idea, madae the mountain shapes more mountainy, then added some sunset colors to the background.

Well, as it turned out, I won a First Place (for my age group) Blue Ribbon for my piece of "art". I was kinda shocked, because I was really just having fun splashing water color paints all over the place. I really didn't start out to paint "Mountains At Sunset", but there they were!

I think my point is this: Spilling fruit out of a basket "just happens" that way. Does that help you, floaty?

Ben Hatke said...

What a good story Bridget. I wish I could win contests that way. I think, though, that the answer tends to be the opposite.

I was told just recently that fruit is popular for still life painting because it has a lot of chroma and variations between areas of intense color.

Most still life artists spend a lot of time arranging their subject. I think they might hope that a basket of "spilled" fruit would look less "staged."

Anonymous said...

A Bun Dance, baby! Ain't you never been to A BUN DANCE? I gotta help you out, Floateola....

Floaty said...


Car mama, a thanks for story.

Maybe, Ben, now see why to tumble. Can make still life to more real, as fruit to tumble every day most homes.

Nat!, maybe to bun, like food? Not sure.

Anonymous said...

Yo Righteous Floateola!!

Like "my cup runneth over": that kinda thing....a bun dance.....